Few things are as terrifying to a website owner as loading your WordPress site and seeing… nothing. Just a blank white screen. No error message. No warning. Just a void. This issue is infamously known as the WordPress White Screen of Death (WSOD).


In this guide, we’ll dive into:

  • What causes the White Screen of Death
  • How to diagnose and fix it
  • And most importantly, how to prevent it from ever happening again


What Is the WordPress White Screen of Death (WSOD)?

The WSOD is a condition where your WordPress site displays nothing but a white blank screen, usually on the front end, the admin panel, or both. It happens when a critical PHP error occurs, but error messages are suppressed, leaving no clues for the user. This can break your site entirely and leave you scrambling if you’re not prepared.


Common Causes of the WordPress White Screen of Death

Let’s explore the most frequent causes:

1. Plugin Conflicts or Errors

Poorly coded or incompatible plugins can cause fatal errors. This is especially common after updates.


2. Theme Issues

Custom themes or theme updates can introduce syntax errors, outdated code, or conflicts.


3. Exhausted PHP Memory Limit

When WordPress hits the maximum memory allocated by your server, it can crash silently.


4. Corrupted Core WordPress Files

Server glitches, failed updates, or malware can corrupt files like wp-settings.php or wp-load.php.


5. Syntax Errors in Code

Editing a theme or plugin file manually and making a typo can cause a critical failure.


6. Auto-Update Failures

If WordPress or a plugin auto-updates during a server timeout or low disk space, files may become incomplete or corrupted.


7. Incorrect File Permissions

Wrong permissions on critical files/folders can prevent WordPress from loading properly.


How to Fix the WordPress White Screen of Death

Here’s a step-by-step checklist to diagnose and recover your site:


Step 1: Enable Debugging in wp-config.php

Edit your wp-config.php file and replace any existing WP_DEBUG lines with this codes, this enables to trigger errors and warning that is actually crashing the website.


define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);
define(‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true);
define(‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, false);
@ini_set(‘display_errors’, 1);
@ini_set(‘display_startup_errors’, 1);

Visit your site again, then check /wp-content/debug.log to find error messages.


Step 2: Deactivate Plugins

If you can’t access the admin panel:

  1. Go to wp-content/
  2. Rename the plugins folder to plugins_123
  3. Visit your site to see if it loads

If it does, one of the plugins is to blame.


Step 3: Switch to a Default Theme

  1. Go to wp-content/themes/
  2. Rename your active theme folder (e.g., your-themeyour-theme_old)
  3. WordPress will fall back to a default theme like twentytwentyfour


Step 4: Check .htaccess for Errors

Open your .htaccess file in the root folder. If unsure, rename it to .htaccess_old. Then visit your site.

If it works, regenerate the file by going to:

WordPress Admin → Settings → Permalinks → Save Changes


Step 6: Reupload Core WordPress Files

Sometimes the problem lies in corrupted WordPress files.

  1. Download WordPress from wordpress.org
  2. Delete wp-content and wp-config-sample.php from the package
  3. Upload the rest via FTP or File Manager, overwriting your existing files
  4. Don’t worry — this won’t touch your themes, plugins, or content.


Step 7: Check Hosting Logs

If all else fails, check your hosting control panel’s error logs or ask support to find PHP errors that may not be visible to you.



How to Prevent the White Screen of Death

Once you’ve fixed your site, here’s how to make sure this never happens again:


1. Install a Security Plugin

Use trusted security tools like:

They monitor changes to core files and block common attacks.

 Set Up Automatic Backups

Use plugins like:

  • UpdraftPlus
  • BlogVault
  • Jetpack Backup

Back up your site to Dropbox, Google Drive, or your hosting space regularly.

3. Disable Auto Core Updates (Optional)

To control when updates happen (and avoid breakage):

define('WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE', false);

Add this to wp-config.php if you prefer to update manually.


4. Use a Staging Site

Test all updates and changes on a staging environment before applying them to your live site.

Many hosting providers offer one-click staging ( Hostinger, SiteGround, Bluehost, WP Engine, etc.).

5. Monitor File Changes

Set up alerts using your security plugin so you’re notified if core files or plugins are modified unexpectedly.

6. Only Use Trusted Plugins and Themes

Avoid nulled themes/plugins or ones from unknown sources. Stick to those in the official WordPress.org repository or reputable vendors like ThemeForest, Astra, or GeneratePress.

Final Thoughts

The WordPress White Screen of Death can be alarming, but with the right steps, it’s fixable — and more importantly, preventable. Keep your site secure, backed up, and maintained regularly, and you’ll likely never run into it again.

Need help recovering a broken WordPress site or setting up backups and staging? Don’t hesitate to contact us — your website’s health is worth protecting.


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